Whole exome sequencing Most of the DNA sequence variants that lead to alterations in protein function are located in exons, which encompass approximately 1% of the genome. By specifically targeting exon regions, whole exome sequencing is a simple and efficient approach to identify rar...
Whole exome sequencing works by using capture probes (synthesized oligonucleotides) or baits designed to specifically hybridize the exons (coding portions of genes), rather than enriching all the genomic DNA. Library preparation comes next, wherein sequencing adapters are added to the enriched protein-...
Fast and scalable exome sequencing “Speed is important for our service. But so is daily processing of exomes without batching. Ion Torrent platform offers us both.” Dr. Sara Alvarez, Medical Director NIMGenetics, Spain Simple, efficient exome enrichment—se...
Whole exome sequencing (WES) is the approach used to sequence only the protein-coding regions of the human genome. Because protein-coding exons only comprise about 1% of the genome, targeting exons—while conversely excluding other regions―can lower both the cost and time of sequencing. Surprisi...
xGen™ NGS for whole exome sequencing includes offerings for both routine and difficult samples—designed to minimize efforts while maintaining key data metrics and positioning your research for limitless potential. xGen™ NGS—made limitless.
全外显子测序(Whole Exome Sequencing,WES) 标准分析流程 全外显子测序的标准分析流程通常包括以下步骤: 质量控制(Quality Control,QC) 对原始测序数据进行质量控制,包括去除低质量的序列片段、过滤掉低质量的碱基和低覆盖度的测序片段等。 读取比对(Read Alignment) 将过滤后的测序数据比对到参考基因组上,以确定每...
Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) uses Next Generation Sequencing methodology to provide targeted sequence information from the coding regions of the genome.
参考报价:¥2380-2800品牌:碧云天产地:上海型号:全外显子测序(Whole Exome Sequencing, WES)样本:来电或留言获取样本 留言咨询电话咨询 AI问答 全外显子测序(WholeExomeSequencing,WES)NGS测序应用于基因/测序价格?可以检测什么? 全外显子测序(WholeExomeSequencing,WES)NGS测序应用于基因/测序参数规格?配套的耗材试...
The sheer volume of data generated from whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing presents a challenge for many researchers faced with the prospect of assembling and analyzing it. Whether you are working with whole genome, whole exome, or other targeted sequencing data, the resulting ...
Sequence the protein coding regions of the genome for a fraction of the cost of Whole Genome Sequencing. Enable identification of: Rare and common single-nucleotide variants (SNV’s). Small insertion/deletion variants. De novo mutations.