whole-round-tuna products directory and whole-round-tuna products Catalog. B2B Marketplace for whole-round-tuna suppliers, manufacturers,exporters, factories and global whole-round-tuna buyers provided by 21Food.com.
Categories:Canned Product,ProductTag:yellowfin tuna canned Description Reviews (0) Tuna Canned Product (Thunnus albacares) Quick Details: Product Type: TunaFish Style:Canned Variety:Tuna Part:Body, Whole Shelf Life:36 months Weight (kg):8
Biogenic amines production and its relationship with psychrophilic bacteria load in whole yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) during ice storagesamples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Shiva AfsharmaneshYousef PeighambariHosseiniBahare Shabanpure...