October 31 –Halloween special: “The upside-down world of negation in Triqui” – Christian DiCanio November 7 –“The upside-down world of negation in Triqui” continued November 14 –Greenberg Lecture dry run – Stephanie Evers November 21 –Saima’s dissertation updates November 28 –Tamara’...
With Galaxy S24 at your side, mobile AI will change more than the logistics of travel. It will also change the traveller in profound ways, encouraging a sense of discovery, emboldening more meaningful interaction with locals and making the world feel grander, but at the same time, more acc...
Before long, you’re having one last pain au chocolat in a boulangerie at Charles de Gaulle Airport, reflecting on your all-too-brief weekend in the City of Lights. You want to send your hostel friends a group photo of you all in front of the Eiffel Tower, but the well...
---全文作者都在用 Sesame Street 的儿童故事书:Grover and the Everything in the Whole Wide World Museum做隐喻。有点感动于作为科学工作者的他们还保持一份童心。 前言: 在1974年,Sesame Street在故事书Grover and the Everything in the Whole Wide World Museum中描述了Grover参观一个自称为展示这个世界所有...