大家好,今天继续给大家推荐一些在Whole Foods上发现的美味食品,绝对值得一试! 椰子水:有机365 by WFM, Harmless Harvest Raw Organic Coconut Water 🌴 这款椰子水是粉色的,看起来很神奇,但除了颜色不同,味道和国内的椰子水差不多。Harmless Harvest的这款更甜一些,不过我还是很快就喝完了,一大瓶不知不觉就灌...
Water Whole Bean Coffee Whole Grain 365 Whole Foods(271) 365 by Whole Foods Market, Organic Peanut Sauce, 10 Ounce $1.16 current price $1.16 $4.69 Was $4.69 365 by Whole Foods Market, Organic Peanut Sauce, 10 Ounce 365 by Whole Foods Market, 7 Grain Lentil Blend, 8.8 Ounce ...
一直觉得Whole Foods的过人之处,在于把卖食品变成卖生活方式。 上学的时候隔三差五我就会去逛whole foods,总是能在里面呆很久。了解各种奇奇怪怪的有机、Raw food、Superfoods,挖掘各式健康低卡的零食和饮料,研究包装背后的营养成分表。通过不断地尝试我发现,健康和美味是可以兼得的。 【解馋零食】 相信每个减过肥...
⬛365 Greek Yogurt⭐️Whole Foods 饮料 ⚫Harmless Harvest Coconut Water ⚫Spa Water ⚫BLK ⚫Mamamango Moscato ⚫Synergy⭐️Whole Foods 速食 🔲Fresh Mozzarella & Tomato Baguette Platter 🔲Crab Cakes 🔲Asian Noodle Salad 🔲Escal⭐️Whole Foods 零食 🔴365 potato chips 🔴T...
365 by Whole Foods, the market with a focus on lower prices and a streamlined shopping experience, opens today in Silver Lake. And while many areas of the store’s inventory have been simplified compared with the full Whole Foods model, there’s been no downsizing of the beer, wine and ...
3⃣️Whole Foods Market Nutrient Enhanced Water Beverage 许多柠檬味的无糖维他命饮料味道过于清淡,而这款猴父子自产的柠檬味饮料则更有存在感。 4⃣️Nature’s Rancher Turkey Meatballs 火鸡肉制品通常蛋白质过高而脂肪过少,这款火鸡丸则含有9克脂肪,吃起来非常满足。建议煎出油后再食用,煮汤效果一般。
1. Coconut water 这个跟whole food差不多感觉,只是没有辣么甜(whole food的口感是印象中的)。 2. 火爆的honey 酸奶 大家都说跟老北京酸奶很像,为了证明,楼主刚刚开了一杯,真的是差不多的哦!不过蜂蜜味不是很重。 楼主还买了芒果味道的,那天吃了上来发感受,芒果味完爆蜂蜜味!!!
1、Whole Foods Market Organic Orange Hibiscus Italian Soda (coming 2022) Whole Foods表示,将在2022年推出有机橙子木槿意大利风味苏打水。 2、Ruby Hibiscus Unsweetened Water 图片来源:Ruby Ruby推出一款0糖0卡的木槿饮料,以主打木槿成分,含有抗氧化剂、电解质和维生素。
又是365的产品,从薯片到速食都能看到365的身影,看到特价就买了,意外的好吃。 meatloaf美式肉饼 资深吃货网友: 肉饼是洋葱味的,配上自己喜欢的酱汁超好吃,不管是自家吃饭还是邀请朋友聚餐,都是不可多得的一道大菜! 寿司 资深吃货网友: wholefoods的寿司名不虚传,秒杀一堆日料店,加州卷里面居然有货真价实的蟹肉,...
3、365 by Whole Foods Market Pasture-Raised Large Brown Grade A Eggs 图片来源:Whole Foods Market Whole Foods自有品牌推出的鸡蛋等级达到Grade A,由散养鸡生产,且为非转基因食品。 4、Applegate Well Carved Organic Meat & Veggie Burgers 图片来源:Applegate ...