The sun was shining into my kitchen as I did my pre-lunch fridge surfing, prompting me to pull together a little… Keep reading by Dawn Waldron March 2, 2015 Thai prawn curry with carrot noodles On Thursday night we had a quick and easy kitchen supper which was too good to keep to...
So here you go- this is your opportunity to have your cake and eat it too! Each brownie is only 130 calories. Healthy indulgences are the best. Continue reading → Dragon’s Loyalty Award Featured3 Comments A big thank you to DeliciouslyNell of I Need a Feed for nominating me for the...
we have hardly been going out shopping, so this squash was really appreciated. I prefer it to carrot in a curry. Jane prefers carrot. We’ll agree to disagree there. I love the way squash just breaks down. I left the skin on here, I wanted to cook it well,...
I had four little girls for a playdate today. They had Pizza (GF) and I made a gluten free vegan Unicorn rainbow chocolate cake with them. And couldn’t eat a bite. But the good news was, it wasn’t as tempting as I thought it would be. Instead I ate dinner leftovers for lunch ...
Daiyahas made it's way to lots of stores across the country, but this cheesecake is worth talking about again. The perfect summer time treat, I love Daiya Cheezecake and keep one in the freezer for a last minute lifesaver. Kids love the strawberry flavor, and no one will guess that thi...
There is absolutely no point to this picture of a reindeer cakepop that my dentist gave me after a pre-christmas visit. It just happened to be one of the more interesting photos on my phone (that I couldn’t foresee needing later). And how cool does it make the house on those hot ...
*Submissions must go through the website comments, and not via Facebook, please. Cookie dough Cake batter Brownie
(if you prefer), diet that Elaine Gottschall, a stay-at-home mother of two, used in the 1950s to save her 8 year-old daughter’s life from near-terminal ulcerative colitis. The diet, called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), was the last hope that Elaine had for possibly saving ...
Yes, wheat is a staple of the American diet. It takes up a fair share of the food pyramid. It is the primary ingredient in breads, pastas, cookies, cake, and is in many sauces, soups, spice mixes, and more. It’s hard to imagine life without wheat. ...