Total activity (in MBq) in whole blood and plasma on D6. (TIF)doi:10.2307/1536218D. Wright WilsonE. D. PlassAmerican Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyJournal of Biological ChemistryWilson, D. W., and Plass, E. D., Creatine and creatinine in whole blood and plasma. J. ...
Susceptibility of glomerular filtration rate estimations to variations in creatinine methodology: A study in older patients BACKGROUND: It is recommended that measurement of serum creatinine should be supplemented with a creatinine-based estimation of glomerular filtration rate ... EJ Lamb,J Wood,HJ ...
To elucidate which of the SKAT associations are potentially driven by multiple variants, we performed backward stepwise regression for a subset of the SKAT hits (see Methods). Here, we included (a) all proteins with aCis-SKAT association but without an association with common GWAS SNVs, and (...
On gross assessment, the corneas were opaque white with prominent small blood vessels. The tongue was globally enlarged with an ulcerated nodule protruding from the left aspect of the tongue base. The liver was slightly enlarged. Within the heart, the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was ...
Polyamines have long been known to have an insulin-like action, but their antiglycating effect has only recently attracted the attention of researchers. The aim of our investigation was to determine the whole blood polyamine concentration in a healthy po
Venous blood samples were obtained from the inferior vena cava using a 31G hypodermic needle and 1 ml syringe every 15 min following reperfusion over 2 h. Blood gas analysis was assessed for all samples (ABL90 FLEX Plus, Radiometer, Brea, CA). Serum samples were used for creatinine ...
Abbreviations: BBS, Bardet–Biedl syndrome; Bx, kidney biopsy demonstrates nephronophthisis; CHD, congenital heart defect; CMC, corticomedullary cysts; Creat., serum creatinine; EG, echogenicity; ERG, electroretinogram; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; Hom, homozygous ...
alcohol consumption, smoking, lipid-lowering medications, BMI, and blood lipids; and other liver enzymes, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio, C-reactive protein (CRP) and insulin resistance). In their model, metabolic factors such as glycemic control were not independently related to a current ...
(%) Yellow sputum White sputum Blood-streaked sputum Swelling of tonsils Fatigue Pharyngeal lymphoid follicular hyperplasia Purulent exudate on the tonsil Rhinorrhea Myalgia Headache Dizziness Shortness of breath Chest pain Diarrhea Nasal congestion Chill Enlargement of lymph nodes Abdominal ...
creatinine ratio (UACR), a measure of kidney damage, have reported heritabilities of 40–70, 33, and 16%, respectively8,9,10. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified common variants for these traits that can account for 8, 5, and 1% of the serum urate, eGFR, and UACR ...