No baked goods / desserts even with Whole30 “approved” ingredients such as banana pancakes or two ingredient cookies Whole30 Shopping List I’ve included a printable Whole 30 Food Shopping List that you can print out listing the Whole30 approved foods that you can’t and can’t eat while...
You will be cooking ALL THE TIME. This is just a reality. If you try to rely on “Whole 30” approved convenience foods you are missing the point of a whole food protocol. Challenge yourself to cook, try new recipes, get really good at meal planning. If the only thing you get out ...
Back to Basics for 30 Days: Introducing the Whole30 Diet Whole30 Food List FAQs What’s not allowed on Whole30? What foods are Whole30 approved? What snacks can I eat on the Whole30? What does a Whole30 meal look like? How will I feel on the Whole30 diet? What other things shou...
Eat more healthy food; eat less unhealthy food. What could be more simple or make more sense than that?! By eating only the foods on the “Yes” list for 30 days, you can heal existing inflammation inside your body, learn invaluable information about your own eating habits and overeating ...