Ronan Cariou,Philippe Marchand,Ana?s V茅nisseau,Aline Brosseaud,Dominique Bertrand,El Mostafa Qannari,Jean-Philippe Antignac,Bruno Le Bizec.Prediction of the PCDD/F and dl-PCB 2005-WHO-TEQ content based on the contribution of six congeners: Toward a new screening approach for fish samples?[...
The atmospheric PM_(2.5), total PCDD/Fs-WHO_(2005)-TEQ concentrations, PM_(2.5)-bound total PCDD/Fs-WHO_(2005)-TEQ content, gas-particle partitioning and wet deposition of PCDD/Fs in Jinan and Weihai, from 2015 to 2017, were investigated, respectively. Furthermore, a regression analysis ...
- 2005-06-06 辽宁省大连市 开业 所有任职企业 1 序号 企业名称 职务 注册资本 成立时间 地区 状态 1 国网辽 国网辽宁省电力有限公司瓦房店市供电分公司 法定代表人 - 2005-06-06 辽宁省大连市 开业 财产线索 以上数据根据互联网公开信息整合而成,该结果仅供参考。如对数据有争议,您可以前往页面底部【联...
The three-year average fraction of gas phase total PCDD/Fs-WHO_(2005)-TEQ concentrations in Kaifeng (34.3%) was 1.1 order of magnitude higher than that in Handan (30.4%). Positive correlations between the AQI and the total PCDD/Fs-WHO_(2005)-TEQ concentration were found and their R^2 ...
PREDICTION OF THE PCDD/F, dl-PCB, AND TOTAL 2005-WHO-TEQ VALUES ON THE BASIS OF SIX CONGENER CONCENTRATIONS IN FISH:TOWARD A NEW SCREENING STRATEGY FOR THE CONTROL?Current European regulation related to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/F) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (...