[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] Hurrying to the post office the other day, I passed a pleasant woman...U.S. CatholicU.s.catholic
Actually I wrote that for a sophmore level programming class. The fun thing is it was written in Lisp (MACLisp, having nothing to do with Apple Macs as those were about 5 years into the future). There was a function to get the phase of the moon for a particular date needed for that...
Veteran actor Robert Redford endorsed Joe Biden in anJuly 8 op-ed he wrote for CNN. "Biden leads with his heart," Redford wrote. "I don't mean that in a soft and sentimental way. I'm talking about a fierce compassion — the kind that fuels him, that drives him to fight against ra...
“I wanna give a special shout-out to Chloe Moretz because she is the most badass little chick that I’ve ever seen. What she did inKick-Asswas amazing, and I have a crush on her.
ButWalk the Lineisn't just a one-man show. Reese Witherspoon deservedly picked up a Best Actress Oscar for her feisty portrayal ofJune Carter Cash, the singer's partner in both life and on stage (she also co-wrote his signature hit "Ring of Fire") who repeatedly helped bring Johnny bac...
Set YOUr PriOritieS 13 Remember When you Were Iittle and mom told you, Dont Worry about others; mind your OWn business and Worry about yourself? Its One Of those IeSSonS We all Seem to forget as We get Older. If youve got a healthy nest egg StaShed away Or an endless SUPPly Of ...