which had yet to be born at that time: He was taking about the Northern Expedition under the command of Chiang Kai-shek as he crushed the warlord forces of northern China.
"Losing a parent is a devastating event that can, among other consequences, derail a student's college plans," Mandee Heller Adler, founder and president of International College Counselors in Florida, wrote in an email. "We suggest students in this difficult situation both utilize ...
a start-up funded by Ford and Volkswagen. He led a team that designed the user interface between human passengers and the autonomous vehicle, acting as a human-machine translator. But as he developed the software, he became aware that he was working on a two-tonne moving death-machine being...
“The best sight in my life is to see how the Russians die,” wrote another. Yevgeny was in that column. He knows men who are dying in those balls of fire. His face is flat. He doesn’t want to see it again. “Many of my friends have died. And these were really good guys w...
James wrote that the tongue is untamed and full of deadly poison, that the tongue is the outlet for a heart that is jealous and full of selfish ambition that produces disorder and every evil thing. I never thought I would see this rhetoric directed at fellow Americans. I am ashamed of ma...
Another factor in turning up the tension was Cornette’s slipping grip on creative after many disputes with Herd, upon whomCornette stated, “I hope he dies a horrible death to this day, painfully, in front of his family.” A member of the booking committee, Cornette’s idea of bringing...
Can a friend or unmarried partner be your next of kin? Unmarried partners and friends aren't considered next of kin. If you want them to receive your assets after death,name them as a beneficiaryin your will or trust. What is the difference between next of kin vs. beneficiaries?
Dutch:Okay gentlemen. Listen up, all of you. According to the information so kindly provided to us by the O'Driscolls, the train will be coming North from Big Valley. We're going to pick it off after it crosses the border into the Grizzlies. There's a raised spot there that should ...
Buffett’s donations will come in the form ofClass B sharesof Berkshire Hathaway stock. His total donation to the Gates Foundation is 10 million shares. It will be given out in 5% increments until Buffett’s death or until the foundation fails to meet the spending stipulation or the stipulati...
Another indisputable Friedman victory, praised by critics as well as admirers, was that his rational-behavior explanation of inflation accurately predicted a phenomenon that establishment Keynesians thought was impossible:stagflation, a period of stagnant economic growth with simultaneous high inflation and ...