At times God allowed the human writers to use their own words or terminology, but all received divine inspiration from God—who is really the One who wrote the Bible. The apostle Peter wrote, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy ...
History of the Bible - Who wrote the Bible? The Bible was written over a span of 1500 years, by 40 writers. Unlike other religious writings, the Bible reads as a factual news account of real events, places, people, and dialogue. Historians and archaeologists have repeatedly confirmed its au...
The Bible was written by many people over thousands of years. Meet 35 people who have traditionally been credited with writing Scripture.
had not yet been driven out of Jerusalem; that they still held that stronghold; while in 2 Samuel v. 6, 7, we are told of the expulsion of the Jebusites by David, who made the place his capital from that time. The tradition that Samuel wrote the book rests on no adequate ...
She wrote the title short story for WindlingThe Armless Maiden and Other Tales for Childhood’s Survivorsanthology anthology about child abuse survivors. Grim reading but recommended. It was nominated for an Otherwise Award. It’s one of a not deep number of short stories she’s written, just...
One of the first Bible verses I memorized after becoming a Christian was Philippians 1:6; the assurance that I was indeed saved, that He would continue to perfect me, and someday I would be released from the worldly bog and receive the crown of life. The perfecting part includes discourage...
Who Wrote Genesis? The first part of Genesis focuses on the beginning and spread of sin in the world and culminates in the devastating flood in the days of Noah. The second part of the book focuses on God’s dealings with one man, Abraham, through whom God promises to bring salvation ...
‘It’s almost becoming the new normal,’ says Ruth Van Reken, co-author of TCK bible Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds. Van Reken is a TCK herself: she grew up between Nigeria and the US, and has been studying and working with TCKs since 1984. ‘...
“alien” to those who have never experienced it. I felt the first thing that needs to happen is that believers and the church need to understand what is actually broken to actually be of any help to the depressed; and I experienced so much emotional abuse from the church because they ...
Once again, it’s been about a year since I wrote anything, but here we go! Go ahead and play the video and listen along as you read. This is from Hillsong United’s new album Zion…it’s pretty awesome. Over the past couple of weeks, I feel like I have had the opportunity to ...