1. You'll just get all warm and cuddly around the dying girl, insinuate yourself probably end up in a custody battle. Chase, you handle the mom. Tell her that you'd just sit home and watch TV and die, but you've got to go through the motions and try to save her daughter's life...
“Who Wrote the Bible?” presents comments from a plethora of scholars, including the Rev. Jerry Falwell, theologian John Dominic Crossan and Rabbi David Wolpe of the University of Judaism in Bel Air. One theory presented in “Who Wrote the Bible?” is that a number of different individuals...
EMIS is a multi-language, pan-European, cross-sectional, HIV prevention needs assessment for MSM, including both measures of risk behaviours and of unmet HIV prevention needs. The survey questions were designed to allow maximum comparisons with past and future national and regional surveys, and to...
Excess mortality is defined as, “The difference in the total number of deaths in a crisis compared to those expected under normal conditions”3. Excess mortality accounts for both the total number of deaths directly attributed to the virus and those resulting from the indirect impact, such as ...
“The Saturday review wrote the mostbeastlyarticle against the ‘LadiesClub’ that has yet appeared in its pages; dirty, indecent to a horrible degree. I expect it will set all the husbands & fathers of our 80 ladies wild with anger; forthistime, you see, the whole body are attacked &...
On the other hand, the chart-type songs I was trying my hand at writing for us to perform were really quite corny." "We recorded my first song, ‘It Was You’, in late 1963 at the home studio of Barry Gray, who wrote music for children’s TV puppet series like Thunderbirds and ...
For a man who once wrote the wondrous, engrossing music for The Lord of the Rings, one knows he can do better. Indeed, one knows that courtroom drama can be done better. Watch the recent National Treasure, starring Robbie Coltrane. All-in-all, Denial is a nicely put together legal ...
RKJT and WML acquired the funding for the study; CAO, WLK and RKJT conducted formal analyses; RKJT, DL, AT, ATy, CT, CK and SB conducted the investigation and curated the data associated with the study; CAO, WLK and RKJT wrote the original draft; All co-authors have reviewed and ap...
Part of the excellent The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe series, this volume contributes to the array of early modern female authors recently rediscovered by scholars. Gabrielle Suchon (1623-1703) is acclaimed as the first female philosopher whose body of work is devoted exclusively to the ...
“If she wrote about boring people, no one would buy her newspaper.” “That’s not true,” Edwina replied. “Just last week she wrote about us, and heaven knows, we’re not the most interesting people in London.” Back to Top ↑ Buy ↓ Kate smiled at her sister’s naivete. ...