This imagery is common in the Psalms, such as Psalm 46:1, where God is described as a refuge and strength. Historically, cities had physical refuges or strongholds for protection against enemies, and this metaphor would resonate with the original audience. The concept of refuge also points to...
The author of Psalm 34, who wrote this psalm as a song of praise and instruction after being delivered from his enemies.2. The LORD (Yahweh)The covenant name of God, emphasizing His eternal, self-existent nature and His relationship with His people.3. SaintsRefers to the faithful followers...
I’ve been looking to do/find a pie chart about the number of psalms (and/or English translation words) as broken out by authors who did the psalms… – for pie chart graphics I figured I’d use excel. Bill Smith on May 21, 2019 at 3:38 am Years ago I wrote a program to go...
1. Moses (Genesis|Exodus|Leviticus|Numbers|Deuteronomy|Psalms) Moses is the prophet who leads Israel from slavery in Egypt to the edge of the promised land. He also wrote about 20% of your Bible. Of all the Old Testament prophets, nobody’s like Moses (Dt 34:10–12). ...
Psalms, primarily David with several others (Asaph, sons of Korah, Heman, Ethan, Solomon and Moses). Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs (also known as Song of Solomon) by Solomon. Isaiah by Isaiah. Jeremiah and Lamentations by Jeremiah. Ezekiel by Ezekiel. Daniel by Daniel. Hosea by...
This was the same David who was a shepherd, who wrote many of the Psalms, and who slew Goliath. He was given a promise that from his flesh would come a son who was to rule the throne of Israel forever. He had a son called Solomon, who became a very famous king of Israel, but ...
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richlyas you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God (Col. 3:16). Throughout the entirety of both the Old and New Testaments alike,homosexualityis vehement...
A space of one’s own is a privilege and pleasure, and we’ve had both in owning three different homes through our marrieds lives. They’ve all been more-than-adequate and well-suited to our seasons of life. A house of one’s own — a gift to be stewarded and enjoyed for sure!
Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” Psalms 92:12-14 NLT YouTube. Making life better with Dr Wes Beavis Try new things that tax you mentally. Vacation but not full time. “The trouble with retirement is you never...
God alone is our refuge and strength (Tehillim / Psalms 46:1-2) History bears out that Tyre was attacked five different times during Isaiah’s lifetime on up to 332 BC when Alexander the Great attached Tyre. Looking at Isaiah 23:1-18, the oracle of Isaiah is broken into two segments,...