This was the same David who was a shepherd, who wrote many of the Psalms, and who slew Goliath. He was given a promise that from his flesh would come a son who was to rule the throne of Israel forever. He had a son called Solomon, who became a very famous king of Israel, but ...
Paul wrote 13 letters to the early churches and church leaders, and of all the New Testament writers, he’s the one who gives us the most insight as far as how the church should work, and the doctrinal reasons why. Paul rounds out the top five with a word count of 32,408—a few ...
BACON,Franis,eitherwroteordidnotwriteShakespeare. BAEDEKER,Karl,oneofthemostversatilemenwhoeverlived. Childhoodandoldageunknown.Formedanambitiontotravelwhenquite young.FirstvisitedSwitzerland,wherehelimbedeverypeak,walked everypath,hiredeveryguide,anddideverythingatouristshouldso.His fieldoftravelwideneduntilever...
Saul took his first of three missionary journeys in the late AD 40s. As he spent more time in Gentile areas, Saul began to go by his Roman name Paul (Acts 13:9). Paul wrote many of the New Testament books. Most theologians are in agreement that he wrote Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians...
For I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart andWITH MANY TEARS, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you. (2 Cor. 2:4) For, as I have often told you before and now say againEVEN WITH TEARS,many live asenemies of the crossof Christ....
1. Moses (Genesis|Exodus|Leviticus|Numbers|Deuteronomy|Psalms) Moses is the prophet who leads Israel from slavery in Egypt to the edge of the promised land. He also wrote about 20% of your Bible. Of all the Old Testament prophets, nobody’s like Moses (Dt 34:10–12). ...
My next door neighbor moved a while ago and wrote a note that said, “I found my people!” She is an artist and refinishes furniture and had a little store downtown the same time I did and moved out of state to Oregon and found a little shop that rents out space, similar to ...
Thibodeau wrote a memoir of his experiences in the compound. Thibodeau also made a cameo in the miniseries. On April 19, 1993, the Mount Carmel compound in Waco, Texas, was set ablaze after a 51-day standoff between the FBI/ATF and the Branch Davidians, causing one of the most tragic...
(Gill changed his mind on the location of Salam when he later wrote the Old Testament portion of the Expositor. See Gill on Genesis 14:18. Ed.) (z) Targum in Jon. & Jerus. Jarchi, Baal Hatturim, Levi ben Gersom & Abendana in Genesis 14.18. Bemidbar Rabba, sect. 4. fol. 182...
It’s interesting to note that Elder Sophrony directly identified love for enemies with uncreated, divine light. He clearly considered love for enemies as the manifestation of grace, and he wrote: The bearer of such love is the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, the brother and friend of Christ...