My only problem with this anthology was that it wasnot consistent in its horror aspects,sometimes confusing me. The first two stories were deeply, deeply creepy—so much so that I almost stopped reading. But the next few stories were lighter, scary in a different way. By the end of the ...
…Many years ago, DreamHaven Books owner Greg Ketter was disturbed by misogynistic statements from John Norman, who wrote a book series about a different kind of monster, the “Gor” fantasy books. Ketter took them off the Minneapolis store’s shelves for a time but ended up restocking them ...
Three days before she passed away in Medina del Campo, Queen Isabel, gravely ill, was thinking of us “her Indians” and wrote in an appendix to her Last Testament: may they not receive any aggrievements in their person or to their goods, rather, order that they be treated well and ...
or a long-long-long-long lost relative will leave me a juicy inheritance…or something even more unbelievable, the Liberal government will actually, after 1100+ days (with another 2 years to go), pass theCanada Disability Benefit.To paraphraseQueen,All we hear is government ga ga, government ...
In my notes for this bit, I just wrote “bless.” We lose even more time admiring the church, but that seemed well justified as it was pretty stunning. The problem is, the more enthusiastic we seem about the church (beer fuelled, although it was lovely and we do love a church), ...
Ten years go by in a heartbeat. I have to admit, that of all of my failed experiments, this was one of the most fun. This Valentine’s Day, I leave you with three favorites. 2010 Taxi Shrink Session 2010 Boobs in a Drawer
“Carl and I spent many wonderful years together,” the singer wrote in a statement. “Words can’t do justice the love we shared for over 60 years. Thank you for your prayers and sympathy.” Credit:Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic
"I wrote poems and journals, but that's when it switched for me to songwriting," Ballerini said. "That's when I wanted to do everything. It was like a fire all of a sudden. I started coming to Nashville and moved here when I was 15." RELATED: Kelly Clarkson Covered Kelsea Ballerin...
Dig Deeper 38 Celebrities Who Wrote Cookbooks And Deeper 19 Celebrities with Rhode Island Ties Also ranks #12 on Celebrities You Had No Idea Were On Reality TV Before They Were Famous Niki Taylor Photo: Niki Taylor Facebook Super model Niki Taylor wore braces to perfect her smile. Nicole Re...
She is also known for her essays, including A Room of One's Own (1929), in which she wrote the much-quoted dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." Woolf became one of the central subjects of the 1970s movement of feminist criticism ...