An accomplished seaman and explorer, he took part in the first Russian circumnavigation of the globe, discovered Antarctica (200 years ago this month), and mapped parts of the Southern Ocean. Bellingshausen was born in Estonia, into the sort of aristocratic Baltic-German family that tran...
译林版高中英语必修第3册 Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Section A Welcome to the unit Reading.ppt,;内容索引;[素养导航] ;A scientist honoured for inspirational pursuits ;Huang,the chief designer of China’s first nuclear submarine,received the Me
Against this backdrop, the team behind the initial “dark oxygen” discovery is planning to launch a new, three-year project in hopes of reproducing their original findings and investigating the underlying mechanisms at play in the deep ocean. “Our...
Who first wrote about Hellenistic settlements? Who started the Battle of the Coral Sea? Who designed the Suez Canal? Who planned the Discovery expedition? Who first advocated for a Transcontinental Railroad? Who invented the road in Mesopotamia?
The holidays are right around the corner. Now is a great time to get ahead of the end-of-year shopping rush to make sure you're prepared with a great golf gift to let them know how much they are appreciated. It can be challenging to find the perfect gift for the golf-loving parent...
“The predation of one of our pregnant porbeagles was an unexpected discovery. We often think of large sharks as being apex predators. But with technological advancements, we have started to discover that large predator interactions could be even more complex than previously thought,” said Anderson...
I’m not in Kansas anymore, but I am very much still on the range—a never-ending horizon of deep discovery that’s guided by something greater than me. I acknowledge my spiritual self, and because of that I am very much proud to be a homo! I went over a year without updating this...
根据第一段A new study shows the singing noises made by humpback whales(座头鲸) might be a sign of being lonely. (一项新的研究表明,座头鲸发出的歌声可能是孤独的迹象。)可知,座头鲸唱歌可能是因为孤独。故选D。(2)细节理解题。根据第二段She made an unexpected discovery as th...
Teacher. In it, Dr. Senter used a series of false statements to assure the Faithful that carbon-14 in dinosaur fossils is not a challenge to the dogma that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. I wrotea replybut didn’t think much more about it, since Senter’s arguments were so poor...
In 1839 he gained a diploma of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Copenhagen for his work The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, while his interest in geology and subsequent papers led to him being offered the position of President of the newly formed Geologists' ...