Who was king of England when Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales? Who is the Libyan king in the Aeneid? Who is the King of France in King Lear? Who is C. Auguste Dupin? Who created C. Auguste Dupin? Who was the French king during the time period of Les Miserables?
Who wrote White Fang? Who wrote the book The Nightingale? Who published The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber? Who published The Canterbury Tales? Who wrote The Scarlet Pimpernel book? Who wrote the book The Alchemist? Who wrote the novel ''Siddhartha''?
Gulliver's Travelsis a novel written by author Jonathan Swift. It was originally published in 1726. A fantastical satire, it tells the story of one man's travels to various lands, including an island of little people and an island of giants. ...
I’ve been doing this game critic hustle for over a decade now, and one question that keeps popping up is, “Why are in-game economies so broken?” How come nothing makes sense? You’re halfway through a game and you’ve got enough money to start your own country. It’s weird that...
1.This week we’re going to start tomorrow with our lead-off post about Charles Moncrief, a remarkable actual schoolboy who shocked the British Public School world of the pre-WWI era when he wrote about a caning in a context that is both stunning as it is remarkably literate not just for...
[source needed] Originally a very difficult and curmudgeonly person, (An Unearthly Child, The Edge of Destruction) the First Doctor matured from an apparent selfishness and became more inviting. (The Rescue, The Time Meddler, The Smugglers) His happier, kinder characteristics fostered when he ...
wrote moved late i'll hundred except conditions complete support return th recent particular hours hour attention person nations live hope data st n dead coming beyond material else costs cold story heart forces fine feeling developed couldn't twenty report read lost inside wall son miles instead ...
"The world looks different now," wrote Ryan Reynolds, who had fostered a loving relationship with White over the years. "She was great at defying expectation. She managed to grow very old and somehow, not old enough. We'll miss you, Betty." Fellow comedian Ellen DeGeneres called White'...
Who wrote the short story Girl? Who raised John Keats? Who wrote Marmion? Who wrote the short story Pilon? Who wrote the Prose Edda? Who wrote the short story Eleven? Who wrote the short story Eveline? Who wrote The Odyssey? Who published The Canterbury Tales?
Who wrote the novel The Prince and the Pauper? Who wrote the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? Who wrote the book The Little Prince? Who published The Secret Garden? Who published The Canterbury Tales? Who wrote the book The Prince?