once described a very simple way of thinking about symmetry. “A thing is symmetrical if there is something you can do to it so that after you have finished doing it, it looks the same as before,” he wrote. Noether’s central insight was that every symmetry you can observe is ...
32 For example, a respondent who chose to receive 500 pesos immediately instead of receiving 650 pesos in one week wrote that it was "very little silver to wait one week." 33 Although we do not believe it is a major concern, it is possible that putting participants under cognitive load ...
The graphs I refer to are not the lines and parabolas of middle school algebra, nor are they the stock price plots and histograms from newspapers. These graphs are a much more abstract concept derived from the work of the great Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, of vertices that are connected...
What did Alexander Grothendieck do for math? Who wrote the famous book on geometry called The Elements? How did Jacob Bernoulli's accomplishments affect other mathematicians? What are Gerhard Gentzen's mathematical accomplishments? How did David Hilbert contribute to math? What was...
Taylor Rose, who is a young woman studying at MIT, wrote a good post about all of this and more yesterday. I think she sums up the situation as well as anything I've read.There are efforts underway to attempt to close the gap between women and men studying CS. And it can be done...
When Euclid wrote hisElementsaround 300BCE, he gave two proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem: The first, Proposition 47 of Book I, relies entirely on the area relations and is quite sophisticated; the second, Proposition 31 of Book VI, is based on the concept of proportion and is much simpler...
He worked at the intersection of engineering practice, academic physics and abstract mathematics, and wrote papers that confounded all three audiences. Throughout his life, he refused to join the scientific community, but by the 1910s, engineers were applying his approach to knotty communication ...