Example 1 They prostrated themselves before the king. Example 2 The trees were prostrated by the gales yesterday. 18 assassin [ə'sæsɪn] n. a person who assassinates or kills someone synonym stabber; triggerman word family assassinate; assassinator; assassination related phrase the would...
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of ...
, the second longest in the show’s 56-year-history. When she was recognized in the stands at a Warriors game, she received anovationfrom the crowd. You know something’s shifted in the mainstream when basketball fans hail you as a hometown hero....
Steve Kerr, your Golden State Warriors head coach, promised to use his connections to get a round at Augusta National for you and your teammate Andre Iguodala if you won the NBA championship. Has that happened yet? Not yet, and I'm not gonna push it. I know how special Augusta is, an...
that come all the way from China delivered right to your door There really is a Sally Claus There is No really, there is This is not your dad’s old Raleigh but your dad would not feel out of place on this bike The respectfully neo-retro Port Townsend features proven technology and ...
In 2006 Temperton explained to the Yorkshire Post the gift that made him a hit machine: “You have to please yourself first. Once you feel the hairs stand up on the back of your hand, you can go for the world. Writing a song is the biggest moment of all. Yesterday it didn’t exist...
In 2006 Temperton explained to the Yorkshire Post the gift that made him a hit machine: “You have to please yourself first. Once you feel the hairs stand up on the back of your hand, you can go for the world. Writing a song is the biggest moment of all. Yesterday it didn’t exist...
Harrison memorialized on 1969's “Something” and became Harrison's first A-side single with the Beatles after it was released on Abbey Road. It made it to No. 1. In her memoir, Wonderful Tonight, Boyd wrote: “He told me, in a matter-of-fact way, that he had written it for me....
Priebus said he did not know how this weekend’s assassination attempt would affect the former president, recounting that in conversation yesterday, Trump sounded “very low-key.” “I heard someone who was grateful, who recognized the miracle, who very quickly brought up the fact that ...
GOOD MORNING, MASSACHUSETTS. TGIF! NEW: GALVIN’S LEANING TOWARD ANOTHER TERM — Will he or won’t he? Secretary of State Bill Galvin hasn’t decided whether he’ll seek another term. He’s leaning toward a run, he said y...