Who won the Reform War? Who won the War of Reform? Who fought in the Social War? Who was the Mahdist War fought between? Who fought in the Onin War? Who was the Gempei War fought between? Who fought in the Hundred Years' War?
Who won the arms race in the Cold War? Who ended the Cold War? Who won the space race during the Cold War? Who was the Cold War fought between? Who won the Battle of Cold Harbor? Who won WW2 - Russia or the USA? Did anyone win the Cold War?
Years in Service: 1941-1945 My dad was a "plankholder" on the Iowa. He served from its commission through the end of the war. He was a gunner's mate. His job was to shoot down kamikazes or anything else that got in the Big Stick's way. He passed away 02-17-2012. I wish tha...
Stalingrad was one of the most decisive battles on the Eastern Front in the Second World War.The Soviet Unioninflicted a catastrophic defeat on the German Army in and around this strategically important city on the Volga river, which bore the name of the Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin. What if...
Aren’t you at least curious to see what a world with a nonwhite, non-Western leader might look like, after 400 years? Because God knows that leader won’t be us. It won’t be Brazil or Africa, or the Middle East or India or Indonesia or Nigeria or Pakistan. We’re a mess. ...
Family commitments and current financial realities mean he won’t be able to participate in the Netherlands but, he will be marching at home in Sherwood Park, getting routes approximating those in the event and abiding by its rules. He will be doing it from June 20th to the 23rd, and ...
aThe Japanese are too embarrassed and arrogant to look into the mirror. It is not just the Chinese who suffered war crimes by the Japanese during WW2, but also people of many nationalities in Asia. 日本人是太困窘和傲慢的调查镜子。 它不是由日本人遭受战争犯罪在WW2期间仅的许多国籍的中国人,而...
So thanks, Dad! I won’t say I’m not a racist — who among us can truly say that? But I try to be the best person I can be. And I think he would appreciate that. Anyone who knows me (or has seen me) knows that I love to eat and I love to cook, and both these activit...
Almost all of my net worth is tied up in T-Bills currently, because it’s the only asset class that I’m reasonably certain won’t cause me to lose my shirt. A lot of people who have thought this matter through have arrived at a similar conclusion. If ...
It was about this time that the 1/4th lost a great character in Lance-Corporal Mitchell, MM. He was fifity years old -he had won his MM in 1917-and he had become a kind of battalion institution. To his own and everyone else's disgust , he had to be relegated to a Base Depot un...