For centuries, denizens in far-flung countries have believed that the Bible contains “the sacred word of God.” According to Judeo-Christian beliefs, God wrote the Bible through chosen scribes, from Moses through the Prophets to the writers of the Gospels. Advertisement Religious beliefs aside, ...
000 copies. All are within 50-225 years of their original writing. Further, when it came to Scripture, scribes (monks) were meticulous in their copying of original manuscripts. They checked and rechecked their work, to make sure it perfectly matched. What the New Testament writers originally...
Notice that the writers of the New Testament described believers in Jesus Christ the same way: as a nation that is “holy” (set apart), filled with “saints” (set-apart ones). Ephesians 1:4 –According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should...
Who inspired the writers of the Bible? Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology that the human writers and canonizers of the Bible were ledby Godwith the result that their writings may be designated the word of God. When was the Bible written? The Christian Bible has two s...
”–RichardDawkins,TheGodDelusion(2006) 8 RichardDawkinsontheGospels “Nobodyknowswho thefourevangelists were,buttheyalmost certainlynevermet Jesuspersonally.”–RichardDawkins,TheGodDelusion (2006) 9 Assessinggenuineness •Externaltests –Attributionsofauthorship –Earlyuseinotherworks –Integrationwithother...
Here again we have a word common to the two writers just named. The motive of the derision lies on the surface. That they, the teachers of Israel, should be told that they were like the Unjust Steward, that they were wasting their Lord's goods, that they must make friends with the ...
of all history has lived in the future as Israel did. “By faith” they worshiped and trusted and wrought and fought, the worthies of this old religion; towards lands that they had not seen they set their faces; concerning things to come they were always prophesying; and it is this ...
Peter was a fisherman by trade, along with his brotherAndrew(also a disciple of Jesus), but he grew into a gifted preacher and bold leader. In the gospels, he’s portrayed as impetuous, always speaking his mind and acting on impulse. In the Book of Acts, Peter’s decisiveness transforme...
The writers clearly did their research. I felt like I was watching a documentary about my hometown. Ever since I left the weird cult a few years ago I’ve had this peculiar hunger. It’s a hunger for something I didn’t have as a child, and that’s a passionate curiosity to know...
All this does not touch the patent fact that nearly all the writers of the New Testament and numerous classes in the early Church used it as descriptive of their idea of Christ's work. It thus becomes of priceless value. Parallel Commentaries ... GreekThis wasἵνα (hina)Conjunction...