Who were the Transcendentalists? What is bioarchitecture? What is Catal Huyuk? What is proxemics? Who are the Gwich'in? What was Pythagoreanism? Who is Olduvai Gorge? Who are the Yupik people? What is a kinetograph? What are pedagogues?
Dreiser‘s Trilogy of Desire includes 3 novels : The Financier , The Titan and ___ . A. The Tycoon B. The Giant C. The Stoic 满分:2.5 分 19. ___ believe that nature is ennobling and that the individual is important . A. Puritans B. realists C. Transcendentalists 满分:2.5 分 20...
Who did the Shoshone Indians trade with? What did the Cayuga tribe hunt? Where are the Seneca Indians from? What did Shoshone Indians live in? What are the Shawnee known for? What is Haida Gwaii? How many Indigenous tribes are there in Canada? Who were the Transcendentalists? What did the...
and Transcendentalists had thrived in the United States. Oneida, in upstate New York, was one of the most visible free love communities, featuring a system of polyamorous “complex marriage.” Couples could choose to have “propagative” or “amative” sex...
A.The Tycoon B.The Giant C.The Stoic 答案: C 22.___ believe that nature is ennobling and that the individual is important . A.Puritans B.realists C.Transcendentalists 答案: C 23.The pair not correctly associated is A.Blake-engraver B.Goldsmith-poem C.Fielding-playwright D.Richardson...
aTranscendentalists place emphasis on the importance of the Over-soul, the individual and Nature. The most important representatives are Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. 先验论者对在灵魂、个体和自然的重要性的位置重点。 最重要的代表是Ralph Waldo爱默生和Henry David Thoreau。[translate] ...
catalogue for his exhibition, he develops this point at greater length. ‘While much of the culture-at-large remains dominated by Puritanical Protestantism, critics tend to downplay the presence of spirituality in American art and literature,’ he writes. Consequently, Transcendentalists such as ...
Despite MS, I Plan to Complete the World Majors Does Running Help or Hurt Hot Flashes? After Recovering from a Coma, He Ran a Half She Crawled a Half Marathon Around a Track How Running Helps This CEO Lead Verizon 11 Celebrities Who Were High-School Track Athletes ...
He was the main figure of the Anti-transcendentalist movement, which objected to the claim of Transcendentalists like Henry David Thoreau that man is inherently good. Hawthorne's work often deals with the idea that sin is inherent in man and unavoidable. He makes heavy use of allegory, and ...
BehindLittle WomenandLittle Menis a fiercely independent feminist and abolitionist who never married, and she worked and wrote to support herself, her sisters, and her parents. Alcott’s parents were transcendentalists, and the family lived in a utopian community for a time. Later, their house wa...