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The native plants were glorious, and I wonder why gardeners don’t use them more in the town. Sitka is so far north that the days included almost two more hours of light than at home, although the growing season is short. I was told there was no plant nursery here but you can buy ...
The survey also broke down how common harvesting activities were and the creation of handcrafted goods, along with their motivation for undertaking those traditional practices. In total, 56 per cent of respondents said they had hunted, fished or trapped in the past 12 months. In total 49 per ...
Video 2. These buttons have a story. Victor and I met a man last year who bought an old button factory. He once supplied the button in the Benjamin Button movie. Now the man is ready to get rid of all the buttons so Victor had him send me some as a surprise. Y’all. He sent ...
s family. Then there is a raven, which is used in a Darth Vader print calledRise, and comes from his grandmother’s great-grandmother, who had the bird as her crest. ColourfulResistanceandNorthern Warriortransform the stormtrooper using influences from the Tlingit Nation branch of his family,...