Example 1 The belligerents were due, once again, to try to settle their differences. Example 2 Each belligerent calls his own battle line a bastion of iron. 12 carnage ['kɑːnɪdʒ] n. the violent killing of large numbers of people, especially in a war synonym holocaust; bloodbath...
Mussolini became the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922. Although before that, he had established “fasci di combattimento,” which translates to “fighting bands,” composed of republicans, anarchists, syndicalists, discontented socialists, restless revolutionaries, and discharged soldiers wanting to estab...
Some 738 decisions were made in those meetings as the Russians micro-managed the Chinese revolutionaries, providing them with their lines, guiding thoughts and policies. Stalin, the man of steel, paid close attention to the Chinese revolution. He made a famous and powerful observation on the subj...
Fanya Kaplan (1890-1918) was a young Jewish woman who joined the Socialist-Revolutionaries in her teens. In 1906 she was sentenced to life imprisonment for involvement in terrorist acts, though she was later released. She is best known for her August 1918 attempt to assassinate Lenin, which ...
, the revolutionaries were largely ignored by the Cuban public. When the economy began to sputter, however, Batista lashed out at the rebels and dissidents with a series of draconian measures. In response, students and urban intellectuals held strikes in cities in support of the revolutionar...
I knew her slightly, before she went underground, and at that time she was under fire from the Socialist Student League (SDS) for being too soft rather than too hard. Her sin was to be involved in the "Easter Marches", the West German equivalent to CND. Sitting on the carpet in her...
Historians estimate that between 70 million and 100 million people were killed by communist governments in their quest for utopia. 然而,马克思的理想仍然主导着所有欧洲、北美和南非现代民主政府的社会主义倾向。 Nevertheless Marxist ideas still guide the socialistic tendencies of all the modern democracies ...
wounded, Lenin waged the Red Terror through the Bolshevik secret police, known as the Cheka. By some estimates, more than 100,000 people thought to be against the aims of the revolution, (known as “counterrevolutionaries”) or simply related to those who were in opposition, were murdered....
work for, and their contribution to, the cause of the international working class is yet to be written, but the science of Marxism-Leninism connects us to millions of workers and laboring people in the struggle for the revolution against capitalism and the creation of a new, socialist society...
Sir George Martin (January 3, 1926-March 8, 2016), often referred to as “the fifth Beatle,” was the band’s urbane producer who quietly guided their swift, historic transformation from rowdy club act to musical and cultural revolutionaries. “They were cheeky and they had this sparkle,”...