Who were the Anglo-Saxons and how did the Heptarchy come into being?这个问题啥意思? 答案 您好!很高兴为您解答!翻译为:谁是盎格鲁-撒克逊人?七国联盟是如何形成的?望采纳!您的采纳是我回答的动力!相关推荐 1Who were the Anglo-Saxons and how did the Heptarchy come into being?这个问题啥意思?反馈 ...
盎格鲁-撒克逊(Anglo-Saxon) 是一个集合用语,通常用来形容五世纪初到1066年诺曼征服之间,生活于大不列颠东部和南部地区,在语言、种族上相近的民族。 他们使用非常相近的日耳曼方言,被历史学家比德认为是三个强大的日耳曼部族-源自日德兰半岛的盎格鲁人(Angles)和朱特人(Jutes)以及来自之后称作下萨克森...
Who were the first settlers of South Africa? Who did the Vikings raid in England? Who first unified the Angles, Saxons and Jutes? Who were the Indigenous people of Costa Rica? Who were the first people in Ireland? Who are the Tainos?
A、The Anglo-Saxons B、The Normans C、The Vikings D、The Romans查看答案更多“who were the earliest invaders in England?”相关的问题 第1题 原子核中质子和中子是通过( )聚在一起的 A、电磁力 B、万有引力 C、核力 D、弱力 点击查看答案 第2题 谈一谈你对我国海上石油的认识。 点击查看答案 ...
Who won the Battle of Fort William Henry? Who fought in the Battle of Hastings and why? Who lost the Battle of Hastings? Did William Wallace fight in the battle of Bannockburn? Who were the Saxons in the Battle of Hastings? Who fought in the Irish War of Independence?
(build)all around England,and made changes to the (9) legal(legally)system.The Normans were French,so many French words (10) slowly(slow)entered into the English language. 答案(1)to explore.考查动词不定式。句意:英国有着悠久而有趣的历史可以探索,这可以帮助你更多地了解这个...
They were a mix of tribes fromGermany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The three biggest were the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. The land they settled in was 'Angle-land', or England. If we use the modern names for the countries they came from, the Saxons were German-Dutch, the Ang...
(侵略) of southern England by Saxons and Jutes (people from another part of northern Germany).English people are sometimes called AngloSaxons.The Celts who used to live in this area were forced to move back into Scotland,Ireland,Cornwall and into Western France (the area known as ...
结果一 题目 10. Who brought Christianity to Britain?A.The Iberians.B.The Romans.C.The Anglo-Saxons.D.The French. 答案 B相关推荐 110. Who brought Christianity to Britain?A.The Iberians.B.The Romans.C.The Anglo-Saxons.D.The French....
Without the Roman army, it was impossible to protect the country from these people. The names of their villages often ended in "-ham" or "-ton". Some got their name from the leader of the village, so Birmingham, for example, means "Beormund's village". The Anglo—Saxons were ...