Surrealism is like the right things in the wrong place, you know, a bit like my stammers were. I was saying the right things, but in the wrong spot. So I realised I was a ‘Yorkshire surrealist’, and I was happy to join the club. There was one classic case I can give you an...
This episode we get weird, like that’s anything new, with the turn of the century Czechoslovakian dark comedy surrealist horror of LITTLE OTIK (aka Greedy Guts). Oh you’ve never heard of it? Good gooooooooood. Neither had we to be honest. Credit goes to the current lord of our Pat...
“We had a huge section for Neil Gaiman for years but it had been slowing down, so we were just moving things around when everything came out in the news,” said Ketter, who published some of Gaiman’s early work. “We are still selling some of his books and things. We just leave ...
2. We use capital letters to emphasize the Brain Police as a possible thing – meaning that although it is fictional it has, at least in an aesthetic sense, some level of autonomy from literal and artistic expressions of it by artists, theorists, entrepreneurs, or anything else. The Brain ...
Who was the first person who used the term of surrealism? The word 'surrealist' (suggesting 'beyond reality') was coined by the French avant-gardepoet Guillaume Apollinairein the preface to a play performed in 1917. Is Frida Kahlo Surrealist?
Artists Who Died Tragic Deaths essaysThe most successful or famous artists are not always as happy as successful people are portrayed - living a life of fame, fortune, and glamour. The following examples will show some of the problems that four different
This episode we get weird, like that’s anything new, with the turn of the century Czechoslovakian dark comedy surrealist horror of LITTLE OTIK (aka Greedy Guts). Oh you’ve never heard of it? Good gooooooooood. Neither had we to be honest. Credit goes to the current lord of our Pat...
He drowned in 1979 after suffering a stroke while swimming off the Brazilian coast, and was buried under the false name Wolfgang Gerhard. Mengele's remains were disinterred and positively identified by forensic examination in 1985. Birthplace: Günzburg, Germany Dig Deeper Seven Of The Cruelest ...
Renowned director and producer David Lynch will be best remembered for his surrealist films like “Blue Velvet” and “Mulholland Drive” as well as the cult-classic series “Twin Peaks,” but fans would be remiss to overlook his contributions to the musical world. ...
This episode, depending on your point of view, was either a strange, but moving science fantasy surrealist hybrid classic; or a collection of half-baked concepts that fell apart with an incredibly bizarre and silly ending. Yet,It Takes You Awaystarts off very promisingly. For a start the tit...