The land was inhabited by the “Canaanites,” who were comprised of several different groups, one of which was “the Canaanites.”“Amorites”, “Hittites” and many others are also mentioned, but there does not seem to be much consistency in the use of the various groups. It is ...
His two brothers were Abishai and Asahel, the swift of foot, who was killed by Abner, whom Joab afterwards treacherously murdered. "When David and his army went to Jerusalem, in an attempt to capture that city (then called Jebus), he said, 'Whoever attacks the Jebusites first shall be ...
The reasons for this opinion are, (1) that it is a part of the name Jerusalem itself - the name "Jerus," altered from "Jebus," having been afterward added, because it was the residence of the "Jebusites." (2) the name "Salem" is itself given to Jerusalem; Psalm 76:2, "In ...