After graduation, Ross joined the Texas Rangers, and in 1860, led Texas Rangers in the Battle of Pease River, where federal troops recaptured Cynthia Ann Parker, who had been captured by the Comanches as a child in 1836. When Texas seceded from the United States and joined the Confederacy,...
In the beginning of the 1780s, the Comanche and Spanish started working together but that alliance did not last, as the decade became dominated by battles between the Comanches and Apaches. Bitter fighting between the tribes caused much loss of life throughout the 1780s. In 1790, the Spanish...
Who was the enemy of the Apache? The Apache tribe were a strong, proud war-like people. There was inter-tribal warfare and conflicts with the Comanche and Pima tribes but their main enemies werethe white interlopers including the Spanish, Mexicans and Americanswith whom they fought many wars ...
John Ford’s postwar films were consistent even if his formalism sometimes made him seem old-fashioned. Some aspects of Ford’s worldview were very consistent — the military and anything Irish were sacred subjects, even as his westerns began to undermine old attitudes. He was the undisputed ki...