CP0 agents were seen discussing on Onigashima how, while the classified intelligence Who's-Who has as a former agent is outdated, his survival meaning no direct harm to the government, they still favored his death since letting a rogue secret agent live would set a negative precedent.[25] ...
6. Caligula – The First Autocrat Roman Emperor Cuirass bust of the emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus, known as Caligula, 37-41 CE, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, via ancientrome.ru Gaius Caesar, better known as Caligula, is the poster boy for depraved, cruel incompetence. His early reign hinte...
“conked” hair which were common on the street in those times. Speaking frankly about his past self, Malcolm dissects the foolishness of his earlier ways. His stint as a porter on the railroad is also revisited and how his employment opened his eyes to another world: New York City. He ...
Sometime after her return to Egypt in a bid to claim the throne as hers alone, Cleopatra managed to gain a private audience with Julius Caesar, who had traveled to Alexandria to settle the dispute. According to legend, she asked her servant Apollodoros to smuggle her into the palace wrapped...