Whether called The Monster, The Creation, or simply Frankenstein, several famous actors have played Frankenstein's Monster in horror films and comedies in both films and TV series. Many of the best Frankenstein characters were portrayed by Academy Award winners - though none have...
In 1957,history's most famous veteran joined the Army.Elvis Aaron Presley was offered the opportunity to fulfill his service by entertaining troops, playing concerts, and serving as a recruiting model, but the King (actually a sergeant) famously chose instead to serve as a common soldier. His...
Actors using stunt doubles is generally a pretty wise move, especially for movies that require a lot of potentially dangerous physical activity, but sometimes the star wants to do it themselves, or the shots require close-ups of a face the audience will recognize during an action scene, or do...
Interestingly enough, actor Gary Oldman had to pull out of voicing the role of droid warlord General Grievous inRevenge of the Sithdue to a union technicality. As the story goes,Revenge of the Sithwas a non-Screen Actors Guild film, which barred Oldman from participating. “We did urge Lu...
10 Actors Who Turned Down Star Wars Roles 1. Kurt Russell, Luke Skywalker Universal Pictures/Lucasfilm 1. Kurt Russell, Luke Skywalker Kurt Russell was one of the top leading men of the 1970s, starring in high-profile movies includingOnce Upon A Time in Hollywod, Escape From New York,an...
10 Actors Who Turned Down Star Wars Roles 1. Kurt Russell, Luke Skywalker Universal Pictures/Lucasfilm 1. Kurt Russell, Luke Skywalker Kurt Russell was one of the top leading men of the 1970s, starring in high-profile movies includingOnce Upon A Time in Hollywod, Escape From New York,an...
More well-known actors are getting roles in the Galaxy far, far away, with many set to make their debut to the franchise in 2022's slate of TV shows.
Some of your favorite actors, like Susan Sarandon and Samuel L. Jackson, are hard workers, too, garnering hundreds of credits to their name.
"You couldn't get a job without getting into the Screen Actors Guild, so everybody would make up these credits just to get in. They didn't have internet then so you got away with anything. "I remember lying to a casting director about Cat People. She was like, 'You were in that?
AceShowbiz- There are plenty of iconic roles that we can't really imagine anyone else playing them because the original actors have successfully portrayed them. However, many of those actors apparently were not even the first choice for the roles. While playing the characters might be a turning...