英文原版 Who Was Alexander Hamilton? 名人传记系列 中小学生读物 Who Was/Is 系列 已售少于100 ¥36点击查看更多配送: 上海至 阳泉市城区 快递: 8.0048小时内发货 保障:7天无理由退货查看更多 用户评价 参数信息 图文详情 本店推荐 用户评价 参数信息 ISBN编号 9780399544279 作者 Pollack,Pam 版本 平装 出版社...
第一首,那必然是开篇曲《Alexander Hamilton》 开场这首歌,句句押韵。如荷马史诗一般,讲述这个穷困屌丝逆袭成美国国父的故事,真的比任何成功学的故事都更沁人心脾。 The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father Got a lot farther By working a lot harder By being a lot smarter By being a self-start...
720010 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (Unabridged) 721011 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (Unabridged) 722012 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (Unabridged) 723001 - Who Were the Tuskegee Airmen (Unabridged) 724002 - Who Were the Tuskegee Airmen (Unabridged) 725003 - Who Were the Tuskegee Airmen (Unabridg...
Who Was Woodrow Wilson Who Were the Beatles(有音频) Who Were the Tuskegee Airmen(有音频) Who Were the Wright Brothers(有音频)
715711.001 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (7) 716711.001 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (8) 717711.001 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (9) 718711.001 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (10) 719711.001 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (11) 720711.001 - Who Was Alexander Hamilton (12) 721711.001 - Who Was Ale...
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52.Who WasALEXANDER HAMILTON?Pam Pollack (Who HQ) 53.Who WasANDREW JACKSON?Douglas Yacka (Who HQ) 54.Who WasANNE FRANK?Ann Abramson (Who HQ) 55.Who WasBABE RUTH?Joan Holub (Who HQ) 56.Who WasBEN FRANKLIN?Dennis Brindell Fradin (Who HQ) ...
Who Were the Wright Brothers Who Were the Tuskegee Airmen Who Were the Three Stooges Who Were the Brothers Grimm Who Were the Beatles Who Was Woodrow Wilson Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Who Was Winston Churchill Who Was William Shakespeare ...
Who were the United States' first bankers? A. Politicians B. Goldsmiths C. Locksmiths D. Fur traders Alexander Hamilton: Alexander Hamilton is a lawyer, architect, politician, military commander and a banker. He is the first US Secretary of Treasury who directly ...
【汉密尔顿】这两天断断续续地看完了音乐剧Alexander Hamilton。看到最后(Who lives, who dies, who tells your story),Eliza说她比挚爱Hamilton多活了50年,那50年里她该有多孤独啊……而且因为Hamilton是孤儿,Eliza就创建纽约第一个私人孤儿院,照顾上百个孤儿,“在他们的眼中看到了你(Hamilton)”之前看过的小说...