1.The younger generation of the 1920swerethought to be wild because 1hey visited speakeasies,denoucedPuritan morality, etc. (Seepara. 1). 2. "Yes" and "no Yes" because the business of growing up is always accompanied by a Younger Generation Problem, "no" because all their actions can...
speakeasies,denoucedPuritanmorality,etc.(Seepara.1). 2."Yes"and"noYes"becausethebusinessofgrowingupisalwaysaccompanied byaYoungerGenerationProblem,"no"becausealltheiractionscannowbeseenin perspectiveasbeingsomethingconsiderablylesssensationalthanthedegeneration ...
how to even speak English (although, impressively, he knew how to speak in nine other languages), Dr. Frank made his way to the United States.Dr. Frankworked as a dishwasher in New York City until he saved up enough money to move to the Cornell University Geneva Experiment Station in ...