报告共11页,目录显示全文包含4个部分,其中网友争议 的部分为“全球概况”(overview)和“特别关注:COVID-19全球快速风险评估”(Special Focus: Update on WHO COVID-19 global rapid risk assessment)。▍当周疫情数据 报告在开头首先提供了4月4日-10日一周的全球疫情数据:Globally, during the week of 4...
报告共11页,目录显示全文包含4个部分,其中网友争议的部分为“全球概况”(overview)和“特别关注:COVID-19全球快速风险评估”(Special Focus: Update on WHO COVID-19 global rapid risk assessment)。 ▍当周疫情数据 报告在开头首先提供了4月4日-10日一...
4.COVID-19 will continue but the end of the pandemic is near - The Lancet 5.End of Covid-19 pandemic is in sight, WHO director-general says, 'so let's seize this opportunity' - CNN 6.Weekly epidemiological update on COVID...
5.End of Covid-19 pandemic is in sight, WHO director-general says, 'so let's seize this opportunity' - CNN 6.Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 14 September 2022 (who.int) 7.COVID-19 policy briefs (who.int) 8.WHO policy brief: COVID-19 testing, 14 September 2022...
当地时间12日,世卫组织发布了最新一期的新冠肺炎每周流行病学报告 (weekly epidemiological update)。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 世卫组织官网截图 这份报告经央视新闻编译报道后,引发了大量争议和讨论。 有网友认为央视新闻在“乱翻译”,因为其报道称,“奥密克戎毒株导致出现大量住院和死亡病例”,而世卫报告原文开头说...
早上一开手机就被一张中英文对照图刷屏。内容是最新WHO每周新冠流行病学进展报告(COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update,4月12日版)的中文报道与英文原版对比。原版在开篇明确指出最近一周全球的新冠感染病例与死亡病例都有大幅下降,这一趋势已延续三周【1】:但中文报道对这开宗明义的全球疫情总览(Global ...
早上一开手机就被一张中英文对照图刷屏。内容是最新WHO每周新冠流行病学进展报告(COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update,4月12日版)的中文报道与英文原版对比。原版在开篇明确指出最近一周全球的新冠感染病例与死亡病例都有大幅下降,这一趋势已延续三周【1】: ...
Why is COVID-19 data being presented as weekly statistics? A number of countries have stopped reporting or changed their frequency of reporting COVID-19 case and death counts to WHO. An outcome of these differences in reporting is that WHO may receive daily data from some countries, while ...
撰文|文竞择 排版|乔维钧 End 参考资料: [1]https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/weekly-epidemiological-update-on-covid-19---17-august-2022 本文系生物探索原创,欢迎个人转发分享。其他任何媒体、网站如需转载,须在正文前注明来源生物探索。
Why is COVID-19 data being presented as weekly statistics? A number of countries have stopped reporting or changed their frequency of reporting COVID-19 case and death counts to WHO. An outcome of these differences in reporting is that WHO may receive daily data from some countries, while ...