standards.Reference significance of the new Guidelines to the amendment of water quality standards in China was discussed. Keywords:Drinking water;Guidelines for drinking—water quality;W orld Health Organiza— tion;Standards for drinking water quality 包括 中国在 内的许多国家和地区都以世界卫生 组织 ...
All rights reserved, 包括中国在内的许多国家和地区祁以世界卫生 组织(World Health Organization* WH()(饮用水 水质准则(ruidelines for drinking - water quali- 为蓝本制定水质安全标准和法规。2011年7月 4 II世界卫生纽织在新加坡发布了第四版的饮用 水水质准则円并呼吁世界*国和地区政府转变思 路,以预防为...
Guidelinesfor Drinking-waterQuality THIRDEDITION INCORPORATINGTHEFIRSTANDSECOND ADDENDA Volume1 Recommendations Geneva 2008 WHOLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData Guidelinesfordrinking-waterquality[electronicresource]: incorporating1stand2ndaddenda,Vol.1,Recommendations.–3rded. 1.Potablewater–standards.2.Water–...
drinking water standardsBahrainarid regionA comprehensive study was undertaken to investigate spatial and temporal distribution of the quality of groundwater used for drinking throughout the state of Bahrain, and to study the applicability of the WHO drinking water guidelines to an arid region. A ...
4.2 Drinking-water饮用水 Note: The requirements for the design, construction and commissioning of drinking water systems are usually controlled through local regulations. Drinking water systems are not usually qualified or validated. 注意:饮用水系统的设计、建造和...
2011_WHO_Guidelines for drinking water quality外文学习材料.pdf,Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality FOURTH EDITION WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data th Guidelines for drinking-water quality - 4 ed. 1.Potable water - standards. 2.Water - standa
Drinking water systems are not usually qualified or validated.注意:饮用水系统的设计、建造和调试要求通常由当地法规控制。饮用水系统通常未经确认或验证。删除原第 4.4 节“散装高纯水“的内容4.4 Bulk highly purified water 第7 章:水系统的良好实践 主要变化修订7.2小节-设计和施工方法(design and construction ...
This fourth edition of the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality builds on over 50 years of guidance by WHO on drinking-water quality, which has formed an authoritative basis for the setting of national regulations and standards for water safety in support of public hea...
1.2 Althoughdrinking-water is addressed, the focus of this document is on the treatment,storage and distribution of treated water used in pharmaceutical applications. 虽然提到了饮用水,但本文件的重点是经处理的制药用水的处理、储存和分配。 1.3 Thisdocument does not cover water for administration to pa...