Theodosia Burr Alston was born in Albany, New York, in 1783. The only daughter of former US vice-president Aaron Burr, Theodosia Burr spent most of her childhood under the close supervision of her father, who was intent on giving her a superior education. While most young girls of the tim...
That would be enough! 第四首 《Dear Theodosia》 第五首《It's Quiet Uptown》 这两首连着听完眼眶不湿的人,真的不要找TA谈恋爱。 《Dear Theodosia》里孩子降生,那个温柔憧憬有多甜蜜,后面《It's Quiet Uptown》里白发人送黑发人的悲痛就有多苦涩。 You will come of age with our young nation. We’...
Just after the war, Burr and Hamilton reflect on the birth of their first children (“Dear Theodosia”). Hamilton begins work as a lawyer, is invited to the Constitutional Convention, writes the majority of the Federalist Papers, and is selected to be Washington's treasury ...
Let me tell you what I wish I’d known When I was young and dreamed of glory You have no control: WASHINGTON AND COMPANY: Who lives Who dies Who tells your story? BURR: President Jefferson: JEFFERSON: I’ll give him this: his financial system is a Work of genius. I c...