Kenny Baker, a key part of theStar Warssaga as the actor who brought R2-D2 to life, has passed away. He was 81. Standing 3 feet 8 inches tall, Baker created Artoo's much-loved innocent yet adventurous personality from inside the droid, starting with 1977'sA New Hope. Whether it was...
“Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.” Second, IF Serkis’ character is being c...
A Methodist, actor William Christopher (October 20, 1932-December 31, 2016) was best known for playing the kindly and gentle Catholic priest Father Francis Mulcahy, maneuvering amid the secular goings-on of his fellow service members near the Korean War front, on the TV series “MASH.” After...
A Methodist, actor William Christopher (October 20, 1932-December 31, 2016) was best known for playing the kindly and gentle Catholic priest Father Francis Mulcahy, maneuvering amid the secular goings-on of his fellow service members near the Korean War front, on the TV series “MASH.” After...