Who was James VI's mother? Who was Queen Isabella of England? Who were Queen Mary I's parents? What did Abigail Adams do for the Daughters of Liberty? Who was Queen Elizabeth II's grandmother? Who were Lucretia Mott's parents?
What was Queen Victoria buried with? What did the Queen of England do during WWII? Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine? Who was king when Eleanor of Aquitaine was born? Who was the first Tudor queen? Who is Princess Elizabeth of Toro?
Driver 12690 Gilbert Godsmark | Army Service Corps (att. 75th Battery Royal Field Artillery) | Newton Heath 1900 Although he wasn’t a serving soldier when he joined Newton Heath, Godsmark was called up just months later as a former soldier at a time of national emergency. Regarded as qu...
1900. Newcastle (upon Tyne), James fitz Gilbert of Newcastle disease NCD can infect a wide variety of birds and thus can be prevented through a vaccine. The study was conducted to know the perception of the... II Henry - The Letters and Charters of Henry II, King of England 1154–1189...
whereas in the second one his identity as a reincarnation of Upāli was revealed through a miracle he performed during the restoration of Porcelain Pagoda in Nanjing. The research has shown that the second account was a later interpolation designed on the basis of the hagiography of another promin...
To the wider world he was perhaps most famously associated with the Berlin Philharmonic, of which he was principal conductor for 35 years. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968). American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for ...
答案:["element"]AI参考:正确答案是C:England。英国由四个部分组成,分别是威尔士、北爱尔兰、苏格兰和英格兰。其中,英格兰的人口最多,经济最发达,所以答案为C。其他选项中,威尔士、北爱尔兰和苏格兰虽然有自己的特点,但都不如英格兰的人口和经济规模大。' Which city is the high-tech sector of Scotland and ...
阅读理解 Tutankhamun was a king who governed Egypt around 1361 BC.He was very young when he died and governed Egypt for only nine years.Although he was unimportant compared to many of the great governors of Egypt, Tutankhamun is now one of the most f
"Puritans" had been a name of ridicule first used during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. These wereChristianswho wanted the Church of England purified of any liturgy, ceremony, or practices which were not found in Scripture. The Bible was their sole authority, and with these beliefs, they belie...
Who was George Washington Carver? Who was James II of England? Who was King James? Who was Thurgood Marshall's family? Who was the son of Nelson Rockefeller? Who was John F. Kennedy's son? What is Samuel Johnson's famous for?