He wasthe god of the sun, order, kings and the sky. Ra was portrayed as a falcon and shared characteristics with the sky-god Horus. At times the two deities were merged as Ra-Horakhty, "Ra, who is Horus of the Two Horizons". In the New Kingdom, when the god Amun rose to prom...
Until the Aswan High Dam was built, Egypt received a yearly inundation - an annual flood - of the Nile. ... This happened yearly, between June and September, in a season the Egyptians calledakhet- the inundation. This was seen by the Egyptians as a yearly coming of the god Hapi, bring...
—The rendering should be,The whole of it rises as the Nile, surges and subsides(orsinks)as the Egyptian Nile.The solid land shall rise up in earthquake, like the Nile that ascends twenty feet in the time of its inundation, and then subsides. Benson Commentary Amos 8:8.Shall not the l...
The Nilometer on Elephantine Island (Fig. 9a, b), north of the First Cataract, was one of the most important devices, due to its location where the floods began. This device was located in the Temple of Khnum dedicated to the ram‐headed god of Inundation.Why was the Shadoof invented?