Spying on the Enemy: Both the Allies and the Axis powers had their own ways of finding out what the other side knew during World War II. This was mainly done through spying. Spying was done in many different ways, whether it was through photography or dro...
Before the French Revolution, France was a hereditary monarchy not unlike many other realms in Europe before the 19th/20th centuries. The country was based off a feudalistic system, with the royalty at the top of French society. The next most powerful were the aristocrats, who not only ruled...
Wilfred Owen wrote one of the most famous WW1 poems, ‘Dulce et decorum Est’. These famous words originate from Horace’s Odes (Horace was a roman philosopher & poet). Words that were familiar at the time to Owen which meant that ‘to die in war was an honorable & brave sacrifice fo...
press release of the takeover, the cable giant announced that Jeff Zucker, a Jew, was appointed the CEO of NBC Universal, of which, Comcast is now in charge. View Entire StoryIn Comcast’s Here, Here & Here.The owner of Comcast is the Jew, Brian Roberts, whose supporting staff ...
After Ww1, he joined the Imperial War Graves Commission and was in France until 1922 working on Graves Registration. He then emigrated to Australia and on 25th October 1940 he shaved 10 years off his dob and signed up for Ww2 in Ascot, Australia, at the grand old age of 65. He was ...
“We don’t get aliens in Sheffield.” This wasn’t the best Doctor Who story. A plot about an alien that’s come to Sheffield to hunt a nervous human – it was effectively the Yorkshire Predator, only with drunks throwing salad instead of soldiers throwing grenades. It was scary, thoug...
In some cases the Japanese soldier was not “allowed” to die until he had killed at least 4 American soldiers! At this time on the main islands of Japan, every civilian was training and was expected to fight the invading enemy, or die. The Japane...