Furthermore, Jesus taught it was only the sincere and humble man who personally asked God for mercy because of his sins, who wasjustified, unlike the other one who was likewise guilty,but who did not do the sameto receive get God’s mercy(Lk. 18:9-14). Besides that,“Judgment WITHOUT...
Now he betrayed Jesus with a kiss, to show as a sign to the captors, who Jesus was. As they arrested Jesus, they took Him to the Sanhedrin, where the High Priest, the teachers of the law and the elders had gathered. The Bible text says that they were looking for false witness or...
Jesus had to face the darkness from his earliest days. “Oh, you were born in Bethlehem? When was that? Really?! How did you escape Herod’s henchmen?” I imagine Jesus must have had what today we call survivor’s guilt. He would have thought to himself, “It should have been me....
How is it possible that we’re standing in the place where Jesus, the son of God, actually stood? Our group stood in amazement, trying to take it all in. What was Jesus thinking when he was here? He knew what was coming. He knew what awaited him. This is what he came for. I...
15. It is he who asked how often he must forgive. It is he who inquired about the reward for all of those who follow Jesus. It is he who first confessed Jesus and declared Him as the Son of the Living God. It is he who was at the Mount of Transfiguration. It is he who saw ...
peace. Teach us love. Help us to do what Jesus would do, always, in every situation. Cover us with your sheltering wings and guard our hearts so that we do not come to believe that violence is normal or that the way to conquer hate is with hate or that some people are beyond your...
Judas Iscariot was one of the 12 original disciples of Jesus Christ. He infamously betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, which lead to his death on the cross. Today, “Judas” is virtually synonymous for “traitor.” Here's what you should know about h
Did you catch that? We won’t even NEED the sun. God Himself will be enough. His glory brighter than the sun itself. Here’s what the Apostle Paul had to say in Acts 26:13 to King Agrippa about the sun when telling his story of meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus: ...