11th是我的first doctor,魔法特曾经说Matt是最能演出博士沧桑感的人。虽然小十一常常表现得像个大孩子,但他的悲剧色彩从刚登场的501就出现了,doctor,Amy,Rory三人组一直被一种浓浓的宿命感包围着,即使是很快乐的瞬间也让人感到隐隐的不安。一直感觉小十一很像小王子,一个人孤寂地在星际间漫游,藏起年轻外表下苍老...
so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.
so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.
【Doctor who/11th】Say Geronimo! 11th个人的快乐沙雕(和一点点11R的糖) 12.7万播放 【神秘博士】【盘点】9~11任的口头禅 Fantastic! Allons-y! Geronimo! 2.0万播放 神秘博士[2013]【50周年】The First Question 670播放 《神秘博士》与《瑞克和莫蒂》片头曲互换 9.7万播放 哪位博士“死”得最惨?《神秘...
Now, the 11th Doctor (played by Matt Smith) was not necessarily my favorite Doctor. But, I grew to love him despite a rocky beginning. By the end I was just as sad and cried just as hard to see him regenerate as with earlier Doctors. *sniffles* Ah the feels. Ok enough of that!
Doctor Who: The 11th Regeneration (2007) Mike Woffendon The Master 2 Doctor Who: The 11th Regeneration (2007) Andrew Sutcliffe Mysterious Agent / Soldier 2 Doctor Who: The 11th Regeneration (2007) Akbar Sikder The General 2 Doctor Who: The 11th Regeneration (2007) Adam Massingha...
Drop us a message on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or let us know in the comments! ^K P.S. Make sure to listen all the way to the end.P.P.S. The anagram last week was “Listen to Verity.” Download or listen now Category: Episodes Tagged with: 15th doctor Doctor Who ...
that he was angry and vengeful as he himself had been when he first met Rose.九叔整體著裝上並...
Did you know that Andrew Johnson, the 17ththe only president who studied to be a medical doctor.president of the United States, was a tailor before heMillard Fillmore, the 13th president, was the firstwas president? Or that one of George Washington'spresident to have a stepmother.favorite ...
简介 暂无剧情简介 演职人员全部 Jaime Carroll导演 Jaime Carroll饰: The Doctor Nathan Ewing饰: Nip Billy Treacy饰: Kuio Leader Sebastian Treacy饰: The Butler Donal Borg-Neal饰: Party Guest Hologram Dale Farrow饰: Strider Arron Carroll饰: Leo...