M.I.A., born Mathangi Arulpragasam, attended Hindu and Catholic convent schools when she was growing up in Sri Lanka. She claimed that her infamous Super Bowl middle finger was a tribute to the Hindu Goddess Matangi, whose symbol is the middle finger. (Source) Born: 07-18-1975 Birthplace...
I was drawn to Hinduism – to the Bhagavad Gītā, to the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, the pluralism of Sri Ramakrishna, the practice of yoga, the spiritual aesthetic of bhakti and Tantra – because I found it to be a life-affirming path that enabled me to make sense of some of ...
Salinger converted from Zen Buddhism to Hinduism in 1952 after reading The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. (Source) Born: 01-01-1919 Birthplace: New York City, New York Dig Deeper The Best J. D. Salinger Short Stories And Deeper 15 Authors Who Loathed The Movie Adaptations Of Their Books And ...
Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), widely revered as one of the greatest Hindu saints, was primarily a devotee of the Divine Mother as Kali. Beloved for his great devotion, he also experimented intensively with other religious paths, including Christianity and Islam. Based on his experience, he taught...
They are primarily on spirituality, most notably Conversations with The Dalai Lama, Thakur – a biography of Sri Ramakrishna and Mind of The Guru. He was a student of the late Swami Ranganathananda, president of The Ramakrishna Mission and of the iconic Yoga teacher BKS Iyengar. He serves as...
Salinger converted from Zen Buddhism to Hinduism in 1952 after reading The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. (Source) Born: 01-01-1919 Birthplace: New York City, New York Dig Deeper The Best J. D. Salinger Short Stories And Deeper 15 Authors Who Loathed The Movie Adaptations Of Their Books And ...
Salinger converted from Zen Buddhism to Hinduism in 1952 after reading The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. (Source) Born: 01-01-1919 Birthplace: New York City, New York Dig Deeper The Best J. D. Salinger Short Stories And Deeper 15 Authors Who Loathed The Movie Adaptations Of Their Books And ...
The Catcher in the Ryeauthor J.D. Salinger converted from Zen Buddhism to Hinduism in 1952 after readingThe Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. (Source) Born:01-01-1919 Birthplace:New York City, New York Dig DeeperThe Best J. D. Salinger Short Stories ...