Granny Goodness, that scourge of the DC Universe may look like a sweet old lady, but she's actually voiced by two different guys: Ed Asner, and Khary Payton. On performing the voice, Asner said: "I was intrigued. I was titillated - accent grave on the 'tit.'” [Laughs] But hon...
What set The Clash apart from their peers was their willingness to experiment and incorporate a wide range of musical influences into their music. While punk rock was often associated with a minimalistic and aggressive sound, The Clash expanded the sonic palette of the genre. They drew inspiration...
Cheryl Frances-Hoad: The first ‘modern’ music that I remember discovering was by Britten –as an eight year-old attempting to play his Tema ‘Sacher’ on my cello. Ever since, his music has enthralled me, and it is often to his scores that I will turn to for compositional ‘advice’...
something warm flowin something was not a p something you do something you hope fo something bout your s somethings been makin sometime im blue sometimes a dog he do sometimes as a poet sometimes even attack sometimes flowers sol sometimes forming cus sometimes go too fast sometimes have someti...
t island t istambul t it takes all day t it was a real game t its never done t iupi le hiu rai t iŞsiz adam t japÓn t jazz iv t jazz-mine t jazzier t jazztown citizen t jazzy family t jet teeth t joburg my love t jotain erilaista t juez y parte t juju t just anot...
It’s not only performance that brands need to consider, though – Trek, for example,merged its aero Madone and lightweight Émonda platformspartly because it wanted to substantially reduce the amount of SKUs it was keeping. Behind-the-scenes changes to key personnel ...
In all honesty, HUGEL started pretty mainstream and generic as an artist. This is not to say he doesn’t have immense talent. Once he built a name for himself, HUGEL was ready to zero in on his true calling and be the main instigator of the Latin house movement. Beginning during COVID...
Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver评分及评论 4.7(满分 5 分) 177 个评分 cslaughter1204,2021/11/09 Very Cool, But Meh…. I love how we have a huge collection of Sonics to play around with. The Sonic Sunglasses are kinda unnecessary and they could’ve been a little more creative by making a ...
The Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer was released in 2016 and offered a whole new way ... Read moreRead more about Turning the beauty industry on its head Year2015 A light bulb moment In 2015 the disruptive lighting technology, designed by Jake Dyson, was brought under the Dyson umbrella. ...
He was intimidated by the idea of marrying such a powerful superstar. Franklin replied that she had made peace with the situation long before, that she had grown weary of the lack of commitment and had decided to move on to greener pastures. Getty Images Photo by Monica Morgan/WireImage ...