Satoru Iwata, Who Led Nintendo to Video Gaming Prominence, Dies at 5 (Posted 2015-07-13 15:58:00) ; for Years, He Rejected the Idea of Developing Games for Mobile Devices, a Market Nintendo Brushed off as Irrelevant -- until Recently...
Racing's important to men who do it well. When you're racing, it's life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting.
“I was helping out on The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker when it was still in its planning phase, but at the same time I was working on Star Fox Adventures with Rare, and I ended up having to focus on the latter. So If you everwondered why Tingle appears so often in Wind Waker...
Nintendo’s 2013 was altogether less inspiring. Its function in 2013 was not so much the acquisition of success, as the avoidance of failure, and in precious little measure did the company succeed.Wii U was launched in 2012and, failing to make much of an impression, company chiefSATORU IWAT...
Everyone should watch this touching tribute to legendary Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who passed away last yearBrandt Ranj