Horner explores Comyns’ personal relationships which were rather complicated, she was married twice, had at least two other partners and her second child born while she was married to her first husband was not his child. While living with her partner Arthur Price she even sailed pretty close ...
Japan was a Western-style democracy crawling with US troops, with a US-authored pacifist constitution and almost no military and an extremely pro-US government and populace, and it STILL got crushed when it looked like it would become the #1 economy in the 80s. I remember 10–15 years ago...
After WW2, it is not true that the Soviet Union created ‘an empire’, or that COMECON was “a Soviet political instrument” to eventually invade other countries, “export revolution” and “threaten the security of the world” – as capitalism pretends. What Lenin and the Bolsheviks created...
Oh, and as if his fate were being written by the vengeful spirit of a vaudeville comedian, Hughes discovered that his targets were a little over a half mile away, which, powerful wind notwithstanding, was beyond the range of the rifle he was using. To make matters worse (and yes, there...