Who is a prophet?ProrokProphetAbraham Joshua HeschelHeschel, Abraham JoshuaSign
But as God is true, our word toward you was not yea and nay. and I. John 8:40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. John 3:32 And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man...
Who was Abraham's wife? Sarah, also spelled Sarai, in the Old Testament, wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. Sarah was childless until she was 90 years old. God promised Abraham that she would be “a mother of nations” (Genesis 17:16) and that she would conceive and bear a son,...
This brings out the contradictions of the Bible. It is evident that for 14 years the Prophet Ishmael was the only son of the Prophet Abraham. Now if the offering had been asked of the only son, it was not of Isaac but of Ishmael, for he alone was the only son; and if the offering...
ABRAHAM Abraham was born in 2123 BCE; his father Terah, Ur’s High Priest. Enlil sent them to the Harran in Anatolia. In 2041 BCE, Abraham led Enlil’s forces and defended the Sinai Spaceport. He reported the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were for Nabu and Marduk. In 2024 BCE Enlil se...
Adam wasn’t the first man. He was the first prophet. Q: Do humans have a unique dimension apart of from the animals (e.g. having supernatural spirit, not just a natural soul) A: Yes. However I don’t have a way that I can plug a voltmeter into people and prove this. Anecdotal...
The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must listen to him. Treasury of Scripture Then said they to him, Who are you? And Jesus said to them, Even the same that I said to you from the beginning. Who. John 1:19,22 And this is ...
Muhammad was a direct descendant of the Prophet Abraham through the Prophet Ishmael. He belonged to the financially poor but politically strong and noble clan of Banu Hashim from the tribe of Quraysh. As guardians of the Kabah, the House of God and the centre of pilgrimage for all Arabia, ...
And yet, despite the manifest differences in how they practise their religions,Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same God. The founder of Islam, Muhammad, saw himself as the last in a line of prophets that reached back through Jesus to Moses, beyond him to Abraham and as far ba...
16He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: 18 “The Spirit of ...