‘Kidnapped: The Abduction Of Edgardo Mortara’, Marco Bellocchio’s True Tale Of Jewish Boy Taken By Pope In 1800s Italy – Specialty Preview 5/24/2024 by Jill Goldsmith Deadline Film + TV Ed Barreveld ‘Queen of the Deuce’ Trailer: Chelly Wilson’s Porn Empire Inspired the HBO Series...
A German man named Karl Kech claimed that he was the first to attach pedals to a hobby horse in 1862. But the first patent for such a device was granted not to Kech but to Pierre Lallement, a French carriage-maker who obtained a U.S. patent for a two-wheeled vehicle with crank ...
mornings, Patrick was at the radio station checking voicemail and checking the AP wire when one morning, he got a call from US Senator Jeff Bingaman's (D-NM) office telling Patrick that former Navajo chairman Peter MacDonald, who was in a federal prison in Oklahoma, was going to be ...
Phyllis Schlafly, the self-proclaimed housewife played by Cate Blanchett in FX's Mrs. America, is one of the most divisive figures in American history.
If she were impervious to pain, and glided through life in blissful ignorance that she was unwanted and mistreated, she would not be brave or innocent or sensitive, she would be a mythical creature- yet the rest of the series would have us believe she’s human. She’s had to fight for...
After the war, he fled to South America where he evaded capture for the rest of his life. Before the war, Mengele had received doctorates in anthropology and medicine, and began a career as a researcher. He joined the Nazi Party in 1937 and the SS in 1938. He was assigned as a ...
Robertson kicked off a solo career in 1987, with his self-titled album. His mother's family is Mohawk, and a member of the Six Nations, so Robertson often referenced Native American music in his solo projects. The song “The Weight” was used in a number of films over the years, inclu...
In fact, 60 years ago the Thames was so polluted from centuries of dumping it was declared dead. Thankfully, efforts were made during the 20th century to clean up the river and it is now considered one of the world's cleanest rivers. But its polluted past has made it one of the best...
1923: In United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Thind -- a U.S. Army veteran who sought naturalization -- was “not white” and could not become a U.S. citizen. Asians were barred from citizenship until the Luce-Celler Act of 1946 is signed into la...