In2019and2020, user experience professionals from the following companies attendedUX training events. Networking with hundreds of usability enthusiasts from such widely diverse organizations allows you to share with and benefit from a broad experience base. Companies who sent the most attendees: Ableton ...
“T his t ranslation was not c reated by t he World Hea lt h Organizat ion (WHO). W HO is not responsible for t he content or acc uracy of t his translation. T he original English edition shall be t he binding a nd aut hent ic edition”. A ny mediat ion relating to d ...
The study’s purpose was to analyze return to work and other long-term outcomes in younger patients with newly diagnosed brain metastases, treated bef
In 911 Rollo the Ganger, often acknowledged as a werewolf or giant, signed a treaty with the French king Charles the Simple which gave birth to the Duchy of Normandy. From these norsemen came the Germanic surname Talabert, meaning "bright valley". Though it has not yet been verified, it...
This study was undertaken to determine whether the vaginal microbiota of pregnant women who subsequently had a spontaneous preterm delivery is different from that of women who had a term delivery. This was a nested case–control study of pregnant women w
4C4.o6n%veorfspiolendrgaetse—weUrenamdajudsetefrdom 2a1u.8n%ique 2IP2.1a%ddres1s5w.6h%erea2s15.56.%4% were from a repeated IP addCreosns.vTehrseiomnedraiaten—nuAmdbjuesrtoefdpledg2e6s.8m%ade 2fr7o.6m%a rep1e9a.2te%d IP 2a9d.d0r%ess was 192 and ranged from 2–1647....