Majority of California Assembly Members Call for Resignation of Wildlife Official Who Killed Mountain LionRogers, Paul
It’s a pretty incredible story, and as Kauffman tells it he did everything he could to avoid having to actually kill the big cat, which was later identified to be a juvenile. Despite lacking the power of a full-grown adult mountain lion, the animal still proved to be incredibly dangerou...
I knew my lines, but I was terrified to have to recite them in front of an audience. As soon as I saw the crowd of people down there, my heart beat so fast that I was unable to say a single word. W: That's how I feel just thinking about the spelling competition next week. ...
Michigan devotes several provisions to the regulation of wolf-dogsin memory of Angie Nickerson, a 5-year-old who was killed by the animal in 1989. Her mother advocated for the passage of legislation to prevent future deaths by wolf-dogs and other potentially dangerous animals. Minnesota Max Pi...
Farmer: Several people in the past few years have claimed to have seen a mountain lion in the suburban outskirts—the latest just last month—and, while mountain lions were thought to have been driven from this entire region about twenty years ago, there is no reason for the people who rep...
Stabbed by a wight, Jojen Reed is mercifully killed by his sister, Meera. 75 of 118 HBO Ygritte During the Battle of Castle Black, Olly shoots Ygritte with an arrow in "The Watchers on the Wall." 76 of 118 HBO Oberyn Martell In Tyrion's second trial by combat, the Mountain crushes ...
10 years ago, his older brother Marcus was killed by a hit-and-run driver. As his investigative skills have matured, he’s now realized it was no accident. But why was Marcus targeted? At the same time, Marcus’s girlfriend – a beauty Isaiah lusted after – has asked him to help ...
Killed by a meteorite impact Navicore // Wikimedia Commons Killed by a meteorite impact Meteorites may be at the heart of many science fiction and disaster films; but when it comes down to real science, Earth is a big planet covered by large, uninhabited areas. When you consider the empty...
The Montana hunter who went viral on social media for killing and skinning a Siberian husky thinking it was a wolf has been formally charged and cited for animal cruelty, according to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office and multiple news outlets. This comes nearly a month after the brutal ...
Through Mr Mandela’s legacy Zoleka stood up for the betterment of her community. After her 13-year-old daughter was killed in a car accident in 2010 she campaigned for better road safety. She later lost a son who was born prematurely. She is survived by four children who she loved very...