Who initially worked to establish NATO? Who invented the first nuclear bomb? Who was involved in the Berlin Blockade? Who was the first president of Russia? Who joined NATO in 1955? Which came first: glasnost or perestroika? Who was President when the Vietnam War started?
He was to be reunited with Churchill in 1951 when Churchill returned as prime minster, appointing Ismay to his cabinet as Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations. Then a year later Ismay was appointed the first secretary general of NATO, a post he was to hold fo...
Who started the Cold War? What president created the Secretary of Defense in 1947? Who was the U.S. president when NATO was formed? Who created the Immigration Act of 1924? Who started the first International Conference of American States?
Who said condemnation? Was it NATO, the U.N. Security Council or Hillary Clinton?Who said condemnation Was it NATO
It feels like these were a couple of saboteurs, doing the same thing Richard Spencer did in 2016 to damage Trump. Don’t forget, when Breitbart died, it was Bannon who had been prepositioned to take the reins of the news operation. And when Jeffrey Epstein wanted to rehab his ...
After about nine hours of surgery, a surgeon closed his chest only to discover one of his needles was missing. An X-ray revealed it was inside Johnson. The surgeon then tried to retrieve the needle but was unsuccessful. Johnson died about a month after the surgery. The lawsuit says ...
Here in the UK, the media (written and broadcast) is predominantly controlled by less than a dozen companies. This was a report by the UK government from 2 years ago. It makes interesting reading. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200708/ldselect/ldcomuni/122/12207.htm Gregory ...
His death was announced by the British army, which did not say where he died or what the cause was. General Jackson was Britain’s senior leader in the Balkans in June 1999 when NATO forces moved into the province of Kosovo to enforce a withdrawal of Serbian troops. Russian soldiers,...
Who was in the Second Libyan Civil War? Unrest in Libya: Libya, a country in North Africa, was ruled by Muammar Gaddafi from 1969 until 2011, when a domestic uprising, with the support of NATO, overthrew his regime. The Second Libyan Civil War broke out in 2014, not many years later....
“I know I may not look like it, but I’ve been around a while. And when you get to my age, certain things become clearer than ever before.” Biden also said that at certain points in his career he’d been called “too young” (he was elected to the Senate at age 29), bu...